

Our Commitment to Action

We are serious about our responsibility to strengthen reconciliation in our work, and to do this work with integrity. Reconciliation was defined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an ongoing process of establishing and maintaining respectful relationships

What does this mean to us?


Many of our clients are Indigenous Peoples, and we feel privileged to work together. We actively help our non-Indigenous clients and collaborators understand the need to establish and maintain respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Within IEG, we commit to educating ourselves about Indigenous Peoples, with an initial focus on the history and present-day situations of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Practicing ​

We work to ensure that relationships with Indigenous Peoples are respectful and meaningful, and advise our clients when these relationships fall short of this requirement.


We ensure that our work establishes Indigenous Peoples as active partners and collaborators, and as “co-developers” and “co-owners” of work processes and related products. We strive for transparency and collaboration from project inception through the full project cycle, and seek out clients and collaborators who are committed to reconciliation.


We recognize that Indigenous Peoples have deep knowledge, lived experiences and relationships in the landscapes and ecosystems of the territories that they steward and protect, and we respect Indigenous Knowledge and Science in the same way that we respect Western science.

Diversifying ​

Within IEG we are dedicated to improving our recruitment practices to source and hire diverse talent so that our team reflects the communities that we serve. To achieve this, we aim to create a company culture with conditions that provide everyone with the opportunity to thrive. Striving to achieve this purpose requires an acknowledgement that there are systemic barriers and persistent inequalities in our professional community.


We commit to donating 2% of our fee revenue in ways that support the goals of Indigenous Peoples, as defined by the Indigenous communities with whom we work. These contributions are not limited to monetary donations and may include: educational scholarships (in support of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action #8 and #11); employment and mentorship opportunities (in support of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #7); and, in-kind work.