Evaluating Surface Mining Reclamation Success

Developing an ecosystem-based criteria-and-indicators framework to measure reclamation performance
Fort Chipewyan Métis (Local #125) Land Use and Indigenous Knowledge Study

For the Suncor Base Mine Extension (BMX) Project (2018-2020)
Traditional Plant Study in Fort McKay

IEG worked with Fort McKay community members to develop and verify a comprehensive list of important culturally used plants.
Fort Chipewyan Metis (Local #125) Land Use and Indigenous Knowledge Study and Cultural Impact Assessment

For the Suncor Base Mine Extension (BMX) Project (2018-2020) FCM BMX Project *Project summary forthcoming
Fort McKay Cumulative Effects Study

An assessment of cumulative effects from resource development in Fort McKay’s Traditional Territory, and identification of land-management tools to mitigate these effects.
UAV Soil Amendment Mapping at Detour Lake Mine

In partnership with BGC Engineering, IEG conducted a UAV survey of an organic matter reclamation cover on a constructed plateau at Detour Lake Mine. The objective of the project was to assess the distribution of a peat mineral mix (PMM) used as a cover material and create a spatially explicit map of PMM distribution to be used as a covariate in a revegetation trial.
Assessment of high elevation grasslands in the Elk River valley in Southeast BC

Integral Ecology Group is supporting the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy in the re-assessment of high elevation grasslands and bighorn sheep winter range in the Elk River valley in southeast British Columbia.
Community revegetation program at the Faro mine

In 2020, IEG began working with Dena Cho Environmental and Remediation Inc. and CIRNAC on the revegetation program at the Faro Mine, located on Kaska traditional territory in south-central Yukon.…
IEG launches free mine-reclamation ecohydrology tool

IEG has spent almost a decade, and substantial effort, developing quantitative approaches to ecohydrological analysis, reclamation-cover design, and projection of post-closure ecosystems on mining landscapes. The culmination of this work…
Collaborative research with Nlaka’pamux communities: Effects of dust on soapberry in BC

IEG staff and colleagues worked with Nlaka’pamux communities and Teck’s Highland Valley Copper mine in south-central British Columbia to develop and implement a study to examine the effects of mine…